vrijdag 12 juli 2013

13 Ed Miliband interviewed on Andrew Marr show




Ed Miliband is the leader of the Labour party. He starts the interview by immediately stating very clearly that everyone should take their responsibility, especially people with higher incomes. He thinks that this government of David Cameron is not enforcing enough responsibility on the richer people and he thinks this should change. He keeps talking about important principals how Britain works, but he does not make that clear what exactly he means by that. His main point is that the middle incomes are suffering more from the taxes than the higher incomes and he strongly disagrees with that. 




I did not know who Ed Miliband was until I saw this interview, but I am not convinced by what he is saying. He talks very fast and does not even finish his own sentences and although I agree with his statements on dividing the taxes more evenly among the different income levels, I do not thing that the way he is putting it, makes a strong argument. He is very young, so maybe he needs to gain more experience with politics, interviews and making a strong point, because at the moment he seems like a weak party leader to me.


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