vrijdag 12 juli 2013

14 David Cameron Full Speech: Britain and Europe


David Cameron talks about Europe and Britain. He starts to talk about the two World Wars and how they affected Europe and Britain. He says we never want to visit that dark past again. He also speaks on the first time he visited Berlin, which was after the Wall was down. He thinks the European Union played an important role in preventing new wars, but that its purpose is different today: to secure prosperity. He thinks that the European Union started to exist to prevent wars, but that it exist today to cope with the growing economies in Asia, such as China and India.


David Cameron is right when he says that the European Union was very important in making sure new wars would not happen. He thanks the European Union for this, but after this tribute, he becomes critical on losing Britain’s independence to Europe. He feels that Britain has down so much for Europe, but Europe has not down as much for Britain. Britain does not receive enough benefits from the European Union. I do understand where he is coming from, he wants a better deal for Britain and not only a better deal for the European Union.

13 Ed Miliband interviewed on Andrew Marr show




Ed Miliband is the leader of the Labour party. He starts the interview by immediately stating very clearly that everyone should take their responsibility, especially people with higher incomes. He thinks that this government of David Cameron is not enforcing enough responsibility on the richer people and he thinks this should change. He keeps talking about important principals how Britain works, but he does not make that clear what exactly he means by that. His main point is that the middle incomes are suffering more from the taxes than the higher incomes and he strongly disagrees with that. 




I did not know who Ed Miliband was until I saw this interview, but I am not convinced by what he is saying. He talks very fast and does not even finish his own sentences and although I agree with his statements on dividing the taxes more evenly among the different income levels, I do not thing that the way he is putting it, makes a strong argument. He is very young, so maybe he needs to gain more experience with politics, interviews and making a strong point, because at the moment he seems like a weak party leader to me.


12 David Cameron interviewed by Andrew Marr



David Cameron is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He is one of the youngest Prime Ministers Britain has ever had, but nevertheless he is very conservative.
He is on the Andrew Marr show to talk about the economic crisis and the high unemployment rate, especially among young people. Many of them are without a job.
He also talks about the risk of losing the triple A status, but he states he does not find the status that important anymore. The government will do its best to keep the inflation low, but it will probably rise anyway.




I think that David Cameron is in a difficult position and he is trying to talk his way out of it. There are many things not going well, such as the economics and rising inflation and especially the high unemployment rate among young people, so he cannot say his government is doing a good job. Britain may lose its triple A status, but David Cameron now makes it seem as if that status is not important, but I know that it is indeed very important. Countries with a lower status have to pay higher rates when they rend money.

11 Tony Blair on Andrew Marr Show




Tony Blair is a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He became well respected due to his actions after Princess Diana died. He finally lost popularity with the people after sending British soldiers to Afghanistan and Iraq.
He is on the Andrew Marr show to talk about terrorism and the conflicts in some Middle Eastern countries. He says that it is the religion that makes these countries difficult. He also shares his opinions on the possibility of Britain leaving the European Union. He does not want this to happen, but he does want Europe to reform. 




I agree with Tony Blair that Britain should not leave the European Union. I think this is a very bad idea. Britain already tends to be isolated from the rest of Europe, since it is an island and they have some different rules, such as driving on the left side of the road. If Britain would leave the European Union, it would become even more isolated. I understand that they like their independence and fear the economic crisis with the Euro, but I still feel that it is best for them to stay in the European Union.


10 Margaret Thatcher Funeral - April 15th, 2013 - BBC Newsnight



It was an impressive send-off, there were flags, there were military bands, there was a choir of children and a huge crowd, who all paid their respects to Margaret Thatcher. In this program panalists discuss whether this funural is too big for Britain. The funeral of the first female prime minister was unique and there is said that no prime minister will ever have a funeral like this, because it takes decades to find a prima minister like Margeret Thatcher. There kind of rituals are symbolic for power and leadership. Miss Thatcher had a lot to do with the military, so it was obvious they were involved in the funeral as well.



I think it is quite remarkeble how this funeral is set. The fact that this funeral on its own cost 10 million pounds is exorbitant in my eyes. Of course Margaret Thatcher was a extraordinary woman and the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom, but many people were not agreeing with the choices she made. That is why I think that this funeral is overdone. Especially now, because of the economic crises I think money could be spend in another way. Also people were almost cheering that Margaret Thatcher had died, I think the funeral could have been a little smaller.

9 - 2/7/2013 BBC UK Local News at 6



This news programme is about donating donors. In Britain organ donation has always depended on card carring volunteers. But in 2015 every adult living in Wales could become a potentiol donor, unless they actively chose to act out. It's a change that will help many people living in the UK, struggling with organs who does not work anymore. Right now people are waiting for donors not knowing if and when they will be helped. There are moreover 10.000 people across the UK waiting for a donor and hoping for a better life. The fact that it is on television is very important, because more people start to realize what they can do for their population.


I think it is very important that this topic in on the news, because in this way people in the United Kingdom see what they can do for their own society. The new program that starts in 2015 seems perfect to me. People are donating for sure, unless they indicate to not want it. In this way many lives could be spared. I love the idea and I think many more countries should do the same. I imagine myself having problems with organs and not knowing when you will be better, and even think of not knowing if you are going to be helped seems terrible to me. Everyone should donate if they are able to.

8 Surgery’s Dirty Secrets in the UK


We expect that the tools of surgeons are the best of the best. However, none of this is true. One of the hospitals in the UK has a person who checks the tools of the surgeons before usage. He finds old blood, loose metal and cracks in the tools. Actually, he rejects 1 in 5 of all the new bought equipment. Two-third of the tools, with a CE-mark, is made in poor circumstances in Pakistan. It is even possible to stamp the tools with ‘made in Germany’ instead of ‘made in Pakistan’.There is even child labour. The poor quality tools see to infections and bleedings.

Opinion: I am shocked about the quality of the tools of surgeons. Moreover, I am shocked about how and where the tools are made and the illegal sale. I can’t imagine that surgeons know about this. The industry that makes those tools are only interested in money and not at all in the patients. They don’t care that the patients die because of an infection or a bleeding after being operated with poor quality tools. Apparently, you can’t just trust the CE-mark. You truly need a specialist who checks all the tools, so all with poor quality can be rejected or thrown away. That’s the only way you can protect patients from poor equipment of surgeons.

7 Net migration 'could be underestimated', campaigners say


Campaigners for reduced immigration to the UK is warning officials could be underestimating net migration. The UK already accepted they undercounted the number of immigrants from countries which joined the EU after 2004. The ONS figured that the number of people moving to the UK mined the number leaving had proved to be inaccurate given the last ten years. The population of England and Wales grew by 464.000 more than the ONS estimated. The government doesn’t want to interfere and vowed net migration would fall to under 100.000 per year by 2015. This means they will come in action when it is 2015, when it is probably already unmanageable.

I think it is very foolish of the government the way they underestimate this topic. To me it seems very important, maybe also because I live in the Netherlands and immigration is here grown in high rates. The culture of a country doesn’t really match with that of other countries or populations. Even if you want it to, some foreigners  will give it a try to adjust to a new country such as the UK, but in the end foreigners do not really fit in another country. I see it with my own eyes here in the Netherlands. So I think it is important that the government opens its eyes too.

6 Late nights 'sap children's brain power'


This article is about the differences in test results of children who go to bed having a regular bedtime and children who go to bed having no regular bedtime. It is tested that youngster with no regular bedtime or going to bed later than 21;00 score lower for reading and maths. The lack of sleep disrupts the natural body rhythm. These findings are already published in the ‘Journal of Epodemiology and Community Health’. The conclusion of this article is that professors say to parents; ‘’The take-home message is really that routines really do seem to be important for children’’. In this way their brains can absorb information in its best way.

I think it is very important that these kind of revelations are shared with the population of the UK. As a parent it is good to know what a child need and in what conditions a child can develop best. It is quite shocking to me how much the bedtime schedule for a child has impact on their school results. I didn’t know it was so important. After reading this article I must say that it is a bit obvious. A brain needs rest, especially at a young age while developing at a high level.

5 Schools should 'share best teachers', report claims


According to a new report the best teachers should be loaned out to under-achieving schools to help them improve. The reports challenge is to deliver high standards for all groups at all schools, which will happen if the best teachers are divided over less good schools. This new method will only count for all schools in one city. So good teachers stay in their same working-area. The goal is ‘’ spreading excellence across the city’’. In the end of this article the subject watered and other proposals such as ‘children should also learn a musical instrument or learn to sing’ are introduced.

My opinion about this article is quite simple, I don’t think it is a good idea. First of all, how do you know a teacher is good? What is good and what is bad? Of course pupils can tell which teacher is better than another, but what is the main goal of a good teacher. I think it is very difficult to get to that point. It is, in my eyes, also weird that teacher should just switch from their work placement to another. I wouldn’t like it. The ending of this article is a better idea to me, introducing pupils to musical instruments and creative subjects. It is very important for a child to grow up with creativity around him or her.

4 Lee Rigby funeral: Drum parade for murdered soldier


This article is about the soldier Lee Rigby, from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, who was murdered  in Woolwich, south-east London by two extremists in May. The article is particularly about his funeral.  His funeral took place at his regiment’s garrison church. His body will lay in the church for one night and an honour guard of soldiers from his regiment will remain with Rigby’s body inside the church. On Friday his body will leave the church and will go to Middleton Cemetery. The two extremists are accused of Fusilier Rigby’s murder. One of the two is also accused of the attempted murder of two police officers.

This story has been shocking for me ever since I heard Lee Rigby had been killed. His death was so terrible and unfair that it I cannot describe in words how angry I get of this kind of ‘actions’. However I think it is good that the UK still get to know how the funeral is set, because this story is so shocking, everyone is interested in this kind of news. It is beautiful how concerned the UK is and how the funeral is planned out. A respectful funeral for a very brave soldier.

3 Coronation 60th anniversary: 'Dazzling spectacle' remembered


This article is about the coronation of queen Elisabeth the second. The people who have always presented at the Coronation are religious figures, the most senior clergymen from the Church of England. The next coronation will be with different figures as well (for example women), because a lot has changed since the last coronation in 1953. Sixty years ago Queen Elisabeth ll took her oath. She thinks only death can release her from her duty as queen. That is why Prince Charles is still a prince. Since a lot has changed since the coronation in 1953, the coronation of the next king or queen will look quite different. It will probably be more modern.

I have to say that I have more respect for Queen Elisabeth ll now that I have read this article. Before, I always thought that she was a stubborn woman who wouldn’t want to descent the throne to let her son ‘rule’. Now I know that she thinks being queen is her duty and only death can release her from that. I think that is well thought-out. Still, I think it is sad for Prince Charles. He will be very old or might be dead when he finally can be king. Moreover it is sad for the queen as well, because she has never enjoyed the life of a pensioner. 

2 MPs' pay: Watchdog calls for rise of more than £6,000


This article is about a raise in salaries of the ministers of the parliament. The independent parliamentary standards authority (IPSA) is an independent group for consultation and recommendation, also known as the watchdog. It says salaries should increase to 74,000 pounds by 2015, but that perks should be cut and pensions made less generous. A lot of people, including party leaders and mr. Gove, think that parliamentarians are ‘well paid’ and that this is not the time for salary raises (nurses and teachers are facing either pay freezes or very low increases, just as people in the private sector).

Right now we live in a time wherein a lot of money has to be saved because of the crisis. That makes me very curious about who came with this plan. The normal people in the UK are cut in budgets because of the crisis. Why should they agree on a raise in the salaries of well-paid ministers of the parliament? I totally agree with mister Gove. Ministers are people who already have a wealthy life. Rather give the money to families who need it more. Or give it to schools or invest it in businesses with great plans for the future.

1 'Stop families' from overriding donor consent


This article is about a new strategy in the NHSBT. At this moment it is possible for families to overrule the deceased patient’s wish to donate organs. This is done often, because a lot of people are not informed about donating organs. This new strategy is about a few things:
- Improve consent rates from relatives to above 80% (currently 57%) in all cases. This will be done by preventing families from overriding the consent.
- Bring the deceased donor rate up to 26 per million of the population (currently 19 pmp).
Increase the number of patients receiving a transplant to 74 per million of the population (currently 49 pmp)

I think this is a good plan, because a lot of patients die while they could have gotten a donated organ. In my opinion people know too little about donating organs and attach too much importance to their organs when they die. They won’t need them any more when they die. I know there are people with other religions and I will respect that too. Still, I thing that families shouldn’t overrule the wish of the patient. This is what he or she wanted, to help someone who is sick to have a better life.